Eric Owen Russell
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Peak Performance Living.

According to my

West African ancestors’

tradition, life’s difficulties

are “Initiation”into

what will produce

high quality living.

Likewise we should also

embrace difficulty as a

technology that produces

peak performance living.


When life gets hard and when it breaks.

My work is helping you navigate through and learn from the troubling and distressing circumstances of your life. If you’re in a difficult situation right now, you need someone that will give you advice, counsel and wisdom. Someone who has been called “a wise elder” because I’ve lived long enough, experienced enough and learned enough to be someone who you can trust with your situation and your life.

Where you are right now, I’ve probably been. Life’s storms have blasted through every area of life that matters: relationships, marriage, family, death, medical emergency, health, finances, work, personal faith, and more. For over 40 years I’ve used my expertise, training, skills and approach to successfully help people just like you get through difficult periods of life. I love what I do and I’m at my best when helping someone through their worst circumstances.

What you need

  1. A framework and strategies that enable you to skillfully be in, move through, and effectively resolve challenging and adverse circumstances.

  2. The conviction that difficult times are beneficial and can produce positive outcomes.

  3. An understanding of what’s occurring physiologically and practically, the steps to take, processes to follow, and why.

  4. The answers you need, how to get them, the practices to support you along the way, and the steps to take to move through the 6 stages of problem resolution.

  5. The camaraderie, comfort, and connection from someone who’s been where you are and is able to guide you through your experience.

Why difficulty matters

It’s more than just solving the problems that are making your life difficult, painful and hard. We grow better by adapting to circumstances that require adopting new resources. The difficulties encountered in life’s challenging circumstances offer the most accessible opportunities to become better resourced and therefore, the chance to change for the better.

Difficulty is a technology. A technology is simply a means to accomplish a task, using specialized processes, methods, or knowledge. Difficulty is just that, a means to accomplish the task of acquiring resources to continue progress forward.

Peak Performance Living

Peak Performance Living is found on the other side of life’s storms and because of them. It’s the better life we can live after the difficult circumstances have passed and we’ve learned from them to understand, appreciate and value this one precious life.  

Consider this, happiness is all the more joyful because you've known sorrow's grief. The celebration of success is sweetest after you've suffered great and repeated failure. Ease feels even lighter if you've carried the weight of pain. Difficulty is an important part of life. When we learn to see it that way it becomes a process we go through in order to gain peak performance living.


“A wise elder”


About me

As of this writing I’ve been on the earth over 6 decades. Over that time I’ve been through and grown from the crisis, difficulties and challenges of life that are inevitable yet no one wants to experience them. My difficult experiences began early, judging from the 10” scar of unknown origin on my right arm that I’ve had for as long as I can remember. I’ve endured circumstances that I wouldn’t wish on anyone beginning with a childhood full of beatings and violence at home, bullying and ostracizing at school, murder of a family member up to and including loss of my mother to cancer (she was only 49), being jobless because of employers suddenly closing, divorce, and too many other problems to name.

I don’t list these hardships as a badge of honor nor to gain sympathy. They were painful, traumatizing and scarring. However, to me they were also and are an initiation - what prepared me to accept the invitation into the next phase of my life. The hardships I navigated are the roots of my work of helping others through life’s inevitable and unavoidable problems.

My life’s challenges. I am still here because they made me learn, gave me skills that changed me, imparted wisdom I’d not know any other way, provided perspective to understand, compelled humility that quenched my pride, and enabled me to love myself as is.

Foundation Approach Qualification (FAQ)

Coaching. I’ve been coaching for over 40 years. More than just my certified coach training, my coaching education is my Brown University BA in Organizational Behavior (human growth, development and behavior, in organized systems). I’m a C.O.R.E. Practices* Master Coach. Get the full FAQ!

Sharing Wisdom. I’ve given a TEDx Talk at University of Paderborn Germany, been a featured speaker for National Education Association NH, Clinical Lab Managers Association, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Community College of Vermont, and Banknorth Group on these signature topics: Foundations of Well-Being; Dealing with Difficulty; and The Practice of Stillness. Get the full FAQ!

Lived Experience. In addition to being a master coach, the lived professional experience I have also plays a key role in what I offer to clients. And that’s a lot, including being: a dad of 4 adult children, a grandfather, an adjunct college educator, a writer, a nonprofit board member, an athlete, arts advocate, recovering french hornist, former senior financial services executive, former minister, an entrepreneur, and world traveler. Get the full FAQ!

Let me help you

I’d love to work with you! You can achieve how you want change, and find the inner strength and serenity you need. If you’re ready or just curious, click the button below and let’s set up a First Step Conversation and begin your journey back to wholeness.


*C.O.R.E. Practices is a systematic approach to coaching that I created. It’s based in my 40 years of coaching, proven science, research, wisdom traditions and spiritual practices. I’m proud to use it as my modality to help clients achieve the lives they need and show up in life as their best selves.

Changing Lives

Dr. Jaih Jackson, DDS

My experience with Eric Russell as my life coach has been incredibly rewarding and transformative. From the moment I started my journey with him, I knew I was in good hands.

The catalyst that led me to seek coaching was the loss of my mother, and Eric has been an invaluable source of support throughout this challenging time. He has shown unwavering empathy and understanding, helping me navigate the complex emotions that arise from grief.

What sets Eric apart is his approach to coaching. His words are always thoughtful and insightful, offering me valuable perspectives that I hadn’t considered before.

Eric is an exceptional life coach who possesses a remarkable ability to connect with me on a deep level. His kind and caring nature, combined with his commitment to establishing healthy routines and providing the tools, make him a true asset in the field. I am grateful for the positive impact Eric has had on my life, and I wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone seeking compassionate support and guidance on their personal journey of growth and healing.
— Jaih Jackson, DDS
Eric is a wonderful coach. He guides his clients gently and joyfully into a new and better direction for their lives.
— N. Jancovic

Ryan M. Weisgerber, Stories and Tips for Evolving on Purpose

I love working with Eric. It can be so hard to see new solutions after I’ve sat with a problem for a long time, and Eric’s ability to highlight subtleties in my approaches that aren’t working for me and offer alternatives is invaluable. 

Essentially, what Eric does is help construct a path from where you are to where you’re going. He’s helped me identify a group of mentors and helpers who’ve already achieved pieces of what I’m building so I can learn from them and hasten my arrival; he’s highlighted a new audience I can serve with what I’m creating; and he’s repeatedly helped me reframe the questions I’m asking myself to make sure that the questions I’m asking can produce the answers I need.
— Ryan M. Weisgerber
Thank you for giving me the tools and courage to set off on this new course. Things have been moving very quickly over the past two weeks. It’s not lost on me the role you’ve played in my trajectory.
— A. Gonzalez